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Buy Noopept 10mg 50 capsules online. Free worldwide shipping. 

Brand: Lecco Pharmaceutical Firm ZAO (Russia)

Drug form: Tablet

Manufacturers: Shchelkovo Vitamin Plant / Masterlek (Russia)

Active substance: Noopept

Group: Nootropic drugs

Expiration date: 3 years


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NOOPEPT 10mg 50 capsules

SKU: 151
  • Indications for use of Noopept are:

    Impaired memory, attention, ability to perceive and assess reality, including in elderly patients, the consequences of traumatic brain injury, cerebrovascular insufficiency, including cerebrovascular accidents, with signs of decreased intelligence, emotionally labile disorders.

      Pharmachologic effect:

    It has a nootropic and neuroprotective effect. Improves learning ability, memory. Prevents the development of amnesia caused by electroshock, blockade of cholinergic structures, glutamatergic receptor systems, deprivation of the paradoxical phase of sleep. The neuroprotective effect is manifested in an increase in the resistance of the brain tissue to damaging influences (trauma, hypoxia, etc.) and in weakening the degree of damage to brain neurons. The drug has an antioxidant effect, antagonistic effect on the effects of excess calcium, improves the rheological properties of blood, possessing antiaggregatory, fibrinolytic, anticoagulant properties. The drug has a vegetative-normalizing effect, helps to reduce headaches, orthostatic disorders, tachycardia. Does not cumulate in the body, does not cause drug dependence, does not have a damaging effect on internal organs, does not have a teratogenic effect, does not exhibit mutagenic properties. Withdrawal of the drug is not observed withdrawal syndrome. The drug enters the systemic circulation unchanged, penetrates the blood-brain barrier. The maximum concentration is reached on average after 15 minutes. The bioavailability of the drug is high (99%).

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